DIY: Shoe Traction Pads

Since I’m still not feeling well, I’ll leave you with this blog post I quickly composed over the weekend.  Its totally not health and fitness…

Stress And Your Immune System

I wasn’t going to blog today but then something popped into my head that I figured I should talk about after yesterday’s rant and the…

Tired of Being Sick

Yesterday, I got food poisoning. Again. I feel like I just can’t win! I don’t know what it was from. Luckily my friend was staying…

Running Is Back!

As you might know, I haven’t really run since St. Louis Rock’n’Roll Marathon in October with my bad ankle and all.  I wasn’t sure how…

Brides, Birthdays, and Beasts

Phew what a weekend!!  Friday was pretty low key.  I just went to get my hair trimmed and spent the day doing school work while…

Hungry For Change

Good morning everyone!  I’m sorry but its been 4 days since my last blog.  This week just totally got away from me but the main…

Weekly Plan 2/11/13

Just a quick blog today. I haven’t had much time for blogging lately but I would rather write something short and sweet than not write…

Busy Student Bee

Good afternoon!  It’s a been a few days since I’ve blogged.  I know I’ve been slacking lately.  I am usually good at blogging every weekday…