A Simple Plan

I learned some things while I was in Ireland last weekend…

  1. I hate tracking my food.
  2. Walking is amazing.
  3. I enjoy eating certain natural but “bad” foods.
  4. Not getting my 8 glasses of water isn’t going to kill me.

I just felt so free the whole trip.  On the plane ride back, Rob was reading the Paleo book that I brought with us and it got me thinking.  I do like the idea of the book but in order to follow it 100%, I would really have to plan.  But I really enjoyed not planning all weekend.  No calorie tracking, no workout schedule, no off-limit foods.  Its not like I went crazy, eating every unhealthy thing.  Actually, we ate pretty well but it was so nice to just do it and not worry about it.  And once again, my favorite line by Michael Pollen pops into my head:

Eat Food.  Mostly Plants. Not Too Much.RealFood

So I guess for a while, I’m going to go back to being simpler again.  School is always a lot to handle plus any home obligations I have.  I don’t need to add extra stressors to it such as meal planning and calorie counting.  As for training, after the half marathon this month, I’m going to start doing Insanity.  I may even do some of the videos before then to get my cardio up.  Yes, it has a schedule but I don’t have to think about it, I just pop in the right video and follow along.  Easy!

So when I first started out, totally new to the healthy lifestyle thing, calorie counting, tracking food, and following a workout schedule really worked because it was all new.  I had a lot to learn.  Now, I know what I need to do.  I know how to eat healthy.  I know approximately how much food is the right amount of calories for the day for myself.  I know when I’m hungry verses when I’m just bored.  I know when I should workout despite soreness and when I should take a rest day.  Its just a matter of doing it and to stop making excuses.


4 thoughts on “A Simple Plan

  1. Good on you! Of course that broad in the photo is AT MOST 14% body fat–which is more than most of us are wanting to do. She’s a fitness model and I bet $3,000 that has been photoshopped (as a graphic artist) — not taking away from her dedication as a fitness model! For a gazillion-dollar-making fitness company like Nike, they’re going to do the industry standard (photoshopping!). That’s the problem I have (as a bulimic–I’m admitting I have the problem but it’s still true…) with these stringent standards in our advertising (and I work in the advertising industry). And when I say “stringent,” I mean even the best models are “faked” to look different. It makes it harder on normal HEALTHY people who are doing just what you’re talking about. We can never do the right/ healthy thing and look like a fitness model who has been photoshopped *too.*

    Anyway you look at it, Ang, you are awesome!

  2. I feel the same way! I am SOOOOOOO done w/ calorie counting!
    I know what foods to eat, but I just need to do it. I mean no one else is going to do it, but me!
    what did you think of the paleo book?

  3. I’m having an internal debate as we speak about calorie counting. I really don’t feel like doing it but whenever I don’t, I gain weight. I guess I’m just not to the point yet where I can self-regulate…

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