AC Restaurant Week Saturday

This is the first weekend in a long time that Rob and I had completely free from anything!  No plans (except restaurant week) at all!  We got up and weren’t very hungry.  I wanted to go to Target to look for some things so we hit Starbucks for a quick breakfast.  I had to run 8 miles today (training for the Broad Street Run) with my friend Lauren so we had to get our errands done early so I could meet up with her in the afternoon.  This also meant I had to eat something despite not being very hungry.  I chose the delicious and healthy oatmeal at Starbucks with brown sugar.  I also got some almonds to munch on because I didn’t have enough protein with breakfast.
We didn’t find what we wanted at Target but I did get some fun things.  I can’t believe my favorite candy is out!  And its one Rob doesn’t love so I actually get to eat more than just a couple before he finishes the bag 🙂  I also got a nifty shoe holder on clearance to hold all of my work shoes.  I tend to “forget” which ones I have because they are in their boxes.  This way, they take up no closet space and look pretty too!  After Target, I knew I needed to eat before my run so I had enough time to digest so we stopped at Five Guys.  Delicious!  And not so so bad if you don’t get the fries.  My burger was 530 calories and very filling!
I met Lauren at the gym and we smoked our 8 miles!  We normally hate running on the dreadmill but it was very windy outside which is why we chose it.  Running in the wind is never pleasant.  We both tried some chocolate Gu and it was good!  Tasted like brownie batter (texture and flavor).  We decided to get a box and split it to keep using it for our training.  I could definitely tell it helped because our 7 miles didn’t feel as good as this did!
Afterward, Rob and I had reservations at our favorite restaurant The Ram’s Head Inn (which happens to also be where we got married!) in Galloway.  It is very nice but not overly expensive.  Tie optional and jacket recommended.  Rob left off the jacket since the last time we were there, no one else had one on.  The food was delicious and I have no pictures because its too nice of a place for such things!  I recommend going here at least once if you are in the area.  It is a few miles outside of Atlantic City.  Very nice evening with the hubs 🙂  And its time to go cuddle with him to top off the night.  Good night!

?  Do you enjoy going to “fancy” restaurants with dress codes, coat checks, valet, the whole nine yards?  ?

3 thoughts on “AC Restaurant Week Saturday

  1. awesome job on the 8mile run!
    I personally like to go to "fancy restaurants every once in awhile, but I would rather cook at home! especially since it is almost BBque weather!!

  2. I don't really enjoy fancy restaurants. Maybe since I never go out without the kids and they're still in the "Friendly's" mode! Couple more years when my oldest can be the babysitter, then maybe Hubs and I can hit a fancy one…now it's too much to pay for a nice dinner AND a sitter!!!! Sounds like you had a great weekend…an awesome run and a fun time in AC!

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