Safely in Florida

First, let me just say that I have been doing a lot more in Florida than just this: Seriously, it has been pretty much nonstop…

Adjusting My Workouts

After listening to the comments on my last post, you ladies are right!  It is not worth the stress of trying to make up every…

Missed Exercise

Hello everyone!  I know, I’m done with school and my blogging has been even more sporadic than ever!  That is because I am trying to…

Focus T25 Alpha Video Recap

Now that week 1 of Focus T25 Alpha phase is over, I can talk about the DVDs!  The Alpha phase has 6 DVDs plus I…

Get It Done: Focus T25

I’m almost done my first week of Focus T25!  Wow, it went so fast!  Once I finish today’s workout and do the stretch over the…

Focus Is On Its Way

I am so excited…  This little treasure is on its way in the mail!!! If you guys have been around for a while, you might…

Vega Bar Tastiness

Thanks to FitApproach and Vega, I had the chance to try all of Vega’s new Food Bars being launched next month!  They provided me with…

Inside My Lunch Box & More

First, this is my official announcement that you should not expect more than 2-3 blog posts for the next 2 weeks until the end of…