Book Review: The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet

I just finished reading The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf and oh my goodness.  There have been a couple books that have really “changed my…

A Mostly-Paleo Day

Today’s blog was going to be a whole day of Paleo foods but plans changed a bit so it now a mostly-Paleo blog, which is…

Shut Up and Run

I didn’t want to run all weekend.  I didn’t want to run last night.  I told myself I could skip last night if I ran 6…

Let’s Dance!

Good morning all!  I hope it was a fabulous weekend!  Mine was pretty good.  A lot of doing nothing really 🙂  Hung out with Rob,…

Triathlon (Of Sorts)

Good morning everyone!  So I had the most amazing time at the gym last night!  I attended Zumba, Body Pump, and Yoga.  All of the…

I Like to Move It!

I’m completely failing at this “avoid Paleo foods” thing.  I’m doing fabulous at avoiding grains but dairy seems to be a whole different story.  Yesterday,…

Book Review: Paleoista

I finished reading Paleoista by Nell Stephenson sometime last week.  It only took me about a week of reading before bed only on weekdays to…

Goals & Paleo Foods

Quick update blog! I found a mistake in my tracking spreadsheet which was throwing off my goals chart (it looked like something was wrong to…