Marathon Training Plan

It’s official!  I stepped down my training schedule from Hal Higdon‘s Marathon 3 to the Novice 2 program.  I really wanted to have a good…

Starbucks Trouble

My general rule of thumb for Starbucks is that if you order it skim (nonfat milk), without whipped cream, and maybe ask for a little…

Deals of the Week

Just some things going on… Teddie Peanut Butter is doing a promo right now.  Buy 6 26-ounce jars of peanut butter for the price of…

Stuff for Motivation

Life Hey everyone!  I had started a blog yesterday but didn’t have time to finish it.  I found mistakes so I have to work on…

Ho Hum

After Sunday’s post with all the wonderful things going on, the last day or so feels so boring.  LoL!  I haven’t been taking pictures like…

Free to Breathe 5K

I did nothing all weekend and then today, I have tons to blog about!  Yesterday, Rob did manage to stay home ALL DAY.  So when…

Local Eats: Bobby Chez

Yesterday,we we pressed for time during dinner since we were still out doing errands.  We tried just hitting Applebee’s since it was nearby but there was…

Change of Plans

Our plans for the weekend turned a complete 180 between yesterday’s blog and today!  We did go visit my cousin and see her precious little…