Making Healthy Habits

More excuses. That’s how I feel. I am back to having that out-of-control feeling when it comes to my health. Like I can’t stop myself.…

Memorial Day Relaxation

So, I sort of took a mini blogging vacation last week and it was a great idea!  I didn’t realize I needed it but it…

iBodyFit Review & Giveaway!

Recently, I had the privilege of becoming a member of the website iBodyFit, an online fitness and health website that provides online workouts, meal plans,…

Up and Down Tuesday

Yesterday was going great!  I ate a healthy breakfast and lunch.  I was drinking my water.  I was getting things checked off my to-do list. …

Seeing the Positives

I’ve been beating myself up a lot lately because I’ve been making poor decisions.  Yesterday, instead of worrying about the things I didn’t do right,…

Being an Honest Blogger

Yesterday, I was reading some posts around the internet about bloggers not being “real”, completely “open”, or “honest”.  I put these in quotations because I…

Low Stomach Acid Solutions

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional, dietician, nutritionist, or any other food/health/medical expert.  All of the information in this blog post has been gathered…

Keeping Things Simple

This morning, I started my day off with a run!  I slept terrible and the weather said possible rain with 100% humidity (I’m not exaggerating,…