Time for Goals!

It has not been easy to keep up with my blog during school!  You guys know I’m busy so I don’t need to talk about…

Gearing Up to Lose

Each day, we all do things to get us closer to or further away from our goals. For the last few months, my goal was…

Out of Habit

I have really been eating too many treats lately… Summer is always the worst for me because I love, love, love ice cream.  Summer is…

Lifting for Weight Loss

Today is a complicated topic so I’m sorry if this is piece-y but I want to cover all my bases so I’ll break it up…

August 2013 Goals

Wow, July was quite the month for me!  I was starting to get back into a better routine fitness-wise and it really amped up when…

Rules For Success

I had a little rant to go with this post but decided to save that for another day.  Basically, a lot of articles I’ve been…

Book Review: Fit2Fat2Fit

I picked up this book on the clearance rack of my local book shop a few weeks ago.  Once I got around to reading it,…

Born Again Gym Rat

A few years ago, before I went back to school, I was a gym rat.  More like a gym class rat.  I loved going to…