Derby Divas

Rob and I barely sat still again this weekend (surprise surprise).  Friday, after I drove home from school, Rob and I had a party for a friend’s 30th birthday.  It was a surprise party at a local restaurant.  We had a really great time!  We are friends with the couple but not really friends with their friends.  We really got a chance to talk to people more and had a great time socializing!

Saturday was supposed to be free but Rob saw a great deal on Living Social for women’s roller derby.  He seemed super excited so I ordered them and we headed there Saturday afternoon.  Neither of us had ever seen roller derby before so it was pretty fun.  The Living Social deal included a pre-game meet and greet where we chatted with some of the players.  They were all really nice! 


Philadelphia has 3 home teams to play against one another and they also have 2 travel teams (made up of their best players of course).  It was a double header game that night.  They had been playing all year and the championship between the 2 best (of the 3 home teams) was going on that night.  The other team was playing Albany.


Before the bout, they gave a little demo of how the game is played and some of the girls handed out instructions on paper.  Thank goodness or I would have totally been lost.  By the end of the first game, we were getting the hang of it.  By the second game, I think we even were figuring out some of the strategy!


I had decided to root for the Heavy Metal Hookers because I liked their green and black Zebra pants (I know, so technical) and they ended up winning!  We were rooting for V-Dive because she was too excited to take a photo with me (the blond in the top picture).  She was really good actually!  Ha! 


From there, we went straight home because it was late for us.  We had a really nice date night out though!

Sunday was pretty uneventful.  We went out for breakfast and then again for dinner because we had a gift card.  I was dragging the entire day, probably from the chicken tenders and fries I ate the night before.  Will I learn?  No.  LoL.  It was mostly a nice quiet day at home.  We haven’t had one of those in a while!

Healthy Holidays Update

Weekends are always the worst for me!  I didn’t go crazy but I didn’t try to behave either.  I didn’t track so I don’t know what my calories are but by the photos, they weren’t that bad (or am I just fooling myself??).  The “T” in my chart below stands for “treat” because I allow myself 1 treat meal a week where I disregard health factor and calories but I to keep it under 1500.


As you can see, the fitness was my biggest struggle.  The only fitness I got in this weekend was the 10 minutes of yoga which wasn’t really much of anything.  Now that my foot is almost out of the boot, I’m moving around more.  It comes off on Wednesday, so after that, I won’t have much of an excuse!  Let’s hope this “cured” the ankle issue too so it won’t come back!

As for water, I tried and tried drinking it this weekend but know I didn’t hit 8 glasses.  I did try A LOT harder than I would have without this challenge so that’s a bonus!  But I really need to get better at weekends!

Do you struggle on the weekends?  Do you use any tricks to “stick with the plan”?

3 thoughts on “Derby Divas

  1. Our weekends are so busy that I find I actually eat less. This weekend though, after Sunday’s race I am PIGGING out on a burger, bacon, cheese, BUN! In my head it’s a major treat/cheat but when I type it, it sounds pretty normal… HA! Oh, and a Guinness or two… 🙂 I’ll text you my time when I’m done.

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