Healthy Holidays Week 3 Challenges


Week 3:  Healthy Eats Week

We looked at our food and then we worked on fitness a bit.  This week, I want you to eat at least one meal every day that you would be proud of.  One that is jam packed full of nutrients and delicious, whole foods.  Share it with the group as a picture or just a description.  Feel free to share recipes if you like!

November 18th:  Mini  Cardio Circuit

Today is another cardio day!  Do the following workout.  Feel free to change it up if you have a physical restriction!


November 19th:  Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

Some of us will be getting prepped for the upcoming holiday.  Today, I just want you to share some easy healthy recipes for the usual Thanksgiving dishes such as Green Bean Casserole, Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, etc.  Maybe someone could use one!  Or we can save them for next year Smile

November 20th:  10 Minutes of Calm

Today, I want you to take 10 minutes to completely relax.  No TV, no radio, no computer, no cell phone.  An e-reader is allowed for reading books only (no surfing the web!). 

November 21st:  Get Some Fitness

Seeing as most of the day is going to spent around the dinner table or in front of the Football projector (aka TV), make sure to get in a quick workout first thing in the morning.  Aim for at least 20 minutes.

November 22nd:  Be Reasonable

After the food fest on Thanksgiving, its time to get back to normal life.  Try and keep your food intake reasonable today.  I know the leftovers are calling your name.  You can have a treat it you like, but just try to recoup from any over-indulging and try not to have 2 days of gluttony.

November 23rd:  Slow & Steady

Sometimes its just nice to get out there and enjoy a little slow cardio.  Sure, it might not be the maximum way to burn calories but it can really relieve stress.  Go for a walk, a jog, a bike ride, etc. at a nice, easy, enjoyable pace!

November 24th: Give Me 10

Today, I want you to list your top 10 reasons for getting healthy and fit.  It can be anything!  Make them meaningful things that will motivate you and remind you why you put in all the hard work.  Find a place where you can post them to remind you often.

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