Healthy Holidays Week 7: Be Happy


Weekly Focus:  Be Happy

This week is an easy task.  Every day, I want you to come to write something positive down.  It could be something good that happened that day, something that just makes you happy, something you like about yourself, etc.  I want you to find something to smile about each and every day!  It doesn’t have to be health related.  I just want you to be happy this week and see the bright side!

Monday:  Stretch It out

Since its positivity week, I also want to concentrate on calming the body.  Start the week off with a good stretching session.  Here is a yoga stretch session from Denise Austin.  Anyone remember her?  She has such a sweet voice too.  Enjoy!

Tuesday:  Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping

Today, give us your best tip for a successful trip to the grocery store!  I will compile them again into a single blog post for convenience Smile

Wednesday:  Yoga Cardio

Did you know you can get your heart rate up with a yoga workout?  I have left yoga sessions sweating buckets!  Here is another one from Denise, but you can also check out Hulu for other ideas!

Thursday:  Recipe: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes can be an amazing, clean source of carbohydrates for a hard workout.  Share your favorite recipe for this wonderful root veggie!

Friday:  Yoga Strength

Yoga can be hard and help build super strength.  Today, try doing a strength building yoga or pilates based workout.  Here is one from Tara Stiles for total body strength.

Saturday:  Mindful Partier

I am sure many of us have a holiday party on Saturday.  I’m not saying you can’t have any treats, I just want you to make mindful choices at said party.  Eat only those treats you will truly enjoy!  No mindless munching! 

Sunday:  2013 Goals & Plans

Today, I just want you to think about the things you want to accomplish in 2013.  Make a plan to achieve those goals and prepare to start as its just a week away!  And why wait a week, start today!


2 thoughts on “Healthy Holidays Week 7: Be Happy

  1. I’ll help that Saturday party! Gonna have a veggie tray, fruit, nuts and some Paleo Chili! Can’t say the hubs beer is paleo, but it is homebrew so it’s fresh and w/o any junk added…
    Thanks for the reminder to find something good in each day. Some days that is really hard…but SO worth it!

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