Philly Rock and Roll Half Marathon 2012

Yet another long weekend!  I almost completely forgot I was running a half marathon this weekend!  With how busy everything has been, it just wasn’t top priority.  Friday, after a morning meeting and running some important errands, Rob and I were finally able to make it out to Philadelphia to the Expo. 


DSC_2463Its funny because Rob didn’t know I was running the race either!  He just thought I wanted to go to the expo, he couldn’t figure out why it was such a big deal that we went.  Shows how much he looks ahead on his calendar!


This was a pretty good expo and pretty large!  I was disappointed they didn’t have the Brooks Cavalcade of Curiosities there because I love their free t-shirts.  Anyway, I got some great stuff and finally got to try out Newton Sneakers!


I have been dying to try these sneakers out.  After I heard of them, I did my research and then Runner’s World came out with an article on them, so I was really dying to try them.   Basically, they are built so you strike mid to fore foot.  Seeing as I strike there already, they sounded perfect!  I absolutely loved how they felt (and got complement on my good running form by the Newton guy) and got myself a pair.  I plan on waiting until after the marathon to switch and I can’t wait!!!

IMG_20120914_164900Of course there were tons of other great booths but I didn’t take many photos.  We decided to check out the Reading Terminal Market.  It is basically a farmer’s/fish/fresh foods market and giant food court.  We got some smoothies and just walked around.  It would be amazing to live near this place!


IMG_20120914_180458Afterwards, we didn’t feel like eating there and headed to our favorite bar, The Bards, who sponsors Rob’s rugby team.  He got the stew and I got the Shepherd’s pie.  Their food is so delicious! 

Ironically, I was checking in on Foresquare and Facebook, and a friend noticed and commented that they were right down the street from us!  We met up for drinks at a place called Miss Conduct Tavern.  It was pretty cute!


After that, we were exhausted and headed home.  Saturday was our usual day’o’Rugby.  It was a great game but we ended up losing in the end.  Rob got the first try of the game though!!


Saturday night, we were invited out but ended up just staying at home relaxing.  Rob was getting over bad allergies and I wasn’t feeling well and needed to relax for the big race.

DSC_2930I met up with my friend Callista for the race, who has been my best friend (other than Rob!) since middle school.  I wasn’t too sure about this race, considering my bum ankle and lack of training, but it ended up being great! 

20120916_082017I had planned on the run/walk thing but ended up running the whole thing with Callista!  We only really walked a few times for water/refueling and once when I got a calf cramp. 


This was one of the most enjoyable races I’ve had.  I wish I had someone to run with for every race!!  It is funny because all of my best race times are also runs I’ve done with Callista.  I just told her she is good for me (or maybe just encouraging?)  LoL. 

DSC_2958I also met up with Tiffany after the race to say hello and exchange our excitement for our upcoming marathon in St. Louis!  Can you believe it is now less than 5 weeks away?! 

This race was definitely what I needed for marathon training though.  Like I said, between the ankle and the lack of training, I was getting pretty worried.  Then *poof* I went out and ran 13 miles, no problem!  All that is sore today are my calves and traps (figure that one out, lol).  But seriously, I was able to just crank it out, slowly but surely.  I know that if I just pace myself well and train for the next few weeks, the marathon will be hard but doable.  And I will have Rob to keep me company for the entire race!  He is the BEST HUSBAND!  I mean, he is running a marathon just to keep me motivated.  26.2, here I come!  But first, another Philly Distance Run under my belt!


7 thoughts on “Philly Rock and Roll Half Marathon 2012

  1. I’m so excited to hopefully meet you guys!

    As lame as it sounds: I’m not running, I’m not going to the Expo but I’m showing up as a spectator “for my birthday.” I can’t eat out anymore, so why not attend a party that’s already started? 🙂

    Do you have ANY idea how long it’ll take for you to finish? I’m asking cos living 2 hours away, it’s a bit much to leave my house at 5AM to be at the start if there’s no reason…I’d rather pop along the course (checking the mile markers) and meet you guys at the end. If that’s cool. If not, let me know! As a non-runner, I don’t know if that’s weird but you’re only 2 hours away!

    1. It will take me several hours! (At least twice my half marathon time so 5+ hours).
      Lots of people pop along the course to see their friends and cheer them on! Just remember a lot of roads will be closed for the race so you would have to plan your route ahead of time 🙂
      Oh, and the race series offers you to have text messages sent to you (for $2 for the first person, $1 for a second) of where the runner is (according to “Checkpoints”) so you would have a good idea how far we were.
      So basically, that sounds like fun!!! And if you didn’t want to get there early, you could totally leave your house when the race started and still get to the area 2 hours before maybe Tiffany will cross the finish line (since she is the fastest!).
      I can’t believe its getting so close!!!

  2. I’m so happy that the half ended up going so well for you! I’m sure that was quite the boost to your confidence as well. See?! You’ve still got it! 😉

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