Why a Marathon

I have heard a lot of people lately say to me that they would never consider a marathon.  I’m here to say I used to be one of those people.  Then I started doing half marathons… a lot.  As I hung up my new medal yesterday from my second annual Philly Rock and Roll Half (which is now my favorite race by the way), I noticed all the other medals hanging. 

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Sunday’s run made the tally go up to 5 half marathons (and 3 10-milers which I think warrant a mention) in just 3 years total since I started running.  And it got me thinking: half marathons have become easy.

They aren’t easy exactly.  I still struggle to maintain pace , I find aches and pains, I whine through the training, and I’m sore after race day.  But I can finish one in a decent time without much training at all.  I did Atlantic City 2011 without training.  I did Rock and Roll USA 2012 without training.  (Neither of those were great races but they got done!)  And I definitely finished this one without much training and on a bum ankle.

So I’m doing my marathon for this exact reason: Because it is hard. 


Sure, I could shrug it off and say its not worth bothering but I am the type determined to do what I know I can accomplish.  I can’t sit back, knowing I could run a marathon, and not try actually doing it.  Sure, it will be hard, it will hurt, I may hate it while I’m doing it, but I will be happy when I’m done, knowing I did it.


5 thoughts on “Why a Marathon

  1. I’m so proud of you!

    In my 20s, I’d run 5ks and not to pick cos seriously…my gimp self ran over 5k Saturday AND Sunday this weekend! If I can hold up, now that I’m getting back to being able to run (against 3 doctors orders), I may start playing around with the charity 5ks again. On SP, I see people with “medals” for them–not that I need the medal but it’s a nice MEMENTO–which is what yours are! I like that…it’s a cool thing to remember what you’ve done and know that you’re doing GOOD things for yourself! (it’s nice when it helps others, too)

  2. Woo Hoo! I need to find all of my metals and hang them…they are randomly shoved in places in my house…might take me a year to find them all…
    Can’t wait until St. Louis!!!

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