School Dilemmas

I seriously don’t know how people do this all the time.  How do they have time for anything?  This school and work thing is crazy!  And honestly, it wouldn’t be that bad but for the 2 hour drive.  What was I thinking???  (Well, I was thinking “ooh free PhD, ok!”).

By next semester, I need to have decided what research group I want to work with.  This will mean I will be on campus 5 days per week which means I will get an apartment down there.  Once I’m down there full time, things will be much easier to handle.  I will have lots more time (4 hours a day taken out of driving!).  Of course, I will miss Rob tons and only see him on the weekends but its something that needs to be done.

But for now, this whole commuting thing is killing me!  I wish there was a way I could just do the full time school thing and nothing else!  But until then…

Oh, and I got homework in both my classes yesterday.  I spent all of last night playing with the kittens working on one problem.  I think I’ve got it figured out but that is 1 problem off 1 homework set!  And he hasn’t even taught the stuff for the other questions yet!!!  Ugh, I will be doing lots of reading this weekend.  At least we don’t have rugby yet.  I am thinking about investing in a lap desk to take to the rugby games with me.  I can sit on the bleachers and do homework, pencil in one hand, camera in the other?  LoL

Anyway, here is my health update for the day:

This week, I’ve…

emoticon Not been drinking my water.
emoticon Not worked out since Saturday.
emoticon Been eating lots of veggies (yay!).
emoticon But also lots of ice cream and treats.
emoticon Been making it a priority to get enough sleep.

Today, I will…

emoticon Not pig out on the ice cream I have at home (how did that get there??)
emoticon Make an effort to drink my water when I’m on campus
emoticon Try to get in some simple workout (walking on campus or maybe pushups and stuff when I get home)

Tomorrow, I will…

emoticon Not snooze my alarm clock for an hour.
emoticon Avoid the sweets.
emoticon Do some sort of workout, even if its just playing on the Kinect!
emoticon Be stuck at work all day with endless access to a water fountain and a bathroom (aka drink all my water!!!).

Now, its time to get back on track!!!  I even tracked my food today just to be accountable.  Here we go!!!

4 thoughts on “School Dilemmas

  1. >hugs< once you get a schedule going stick to it. When I was writing my thesis, I was teaching 8am-10am. It turned out to be the best thing because it forced me to my office early and I worked til 5pm. I also found out I have to work out in the morning so I was up at 5am to get my workout in. I was on the schedule for 6wks. The first day I let me self sleep past 5am was the end of the schedule. My body refused to go back. So push yourself to find a schedule that gets everything in and to do with no excuses! You can totally do it!

  2. Oh sister, I hear you. I ran myself absolutely ragged last year trying to keep up with school + work + teaching. At times like these, you just have to choose your biggest priorities [SLEEP is definitely up there for me too because I won't be able to do ANYTHING without it], and try not to beat yourself up for not being superhuman.

    "This too shall pass."
    Enjoy what you can during this time and stay honest with yourself.

    Also, I didn't know that you + Rob will have to be apart for awhile. Enjoy having healthy everyday meals with him while you've got 'em!

    LOVE to you!! You got this!!!

  3. You will manage to get the workouts in… You are still just getting organized. Once you have established a routine it will all be fine. No worries!

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