First Run of 2012

First off, in case you missed it, I posted my 2012 goals for yesterday and am super excited to work on them!

Anyway, this morning, I asked Rob if he would join me for a run (He has been running on his lunch break lately, so proud!). He decided an easy 2 miles would be nice. It was freezing out! We ran at a park he knows so he could show me the route if I ever want to run it on my own. It went pretty well but the first mile, there was a horrible headwind. Then, we were beat for mile 2. Well, I was feeling good but Rob was having trouble breathing in the cold air. Gotta get him something to cover his neck to solve that problem. Overall, it was a good run and I am glad we went!

Also, my ankle felt pretty good. Felt weird when I would hit a curb weird but that is expected. I am glad we kept it short though. I am going to do some short to medium runs Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and then my long run on Saturday. Hopefully the legs will be top notch by then!

So, only 298 more miles to go to reach my goal for the year! Let’s do it!

2 thoughts on “First Run of 2012

  1. Good for you for getting out there! The wind was horrible today! Oh, my! You’ll hit your 300 easily! I did over 600 in 2011…my goal is to hit 1000 this year!

  2. I like your attitude- 2 down , 298 more to go! thats awesome!
    (and tiffany running 1000- ohhhh my! haha)

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