Grad School in High Gear

I’ve got nothing going on today!  Nothing interesting to discuss really.  Its just been a regular couple of days.  Yesterday, it was back to school for classes.  It was really hectic with having all 3 of my classes in one day along with a meeting and lots of homework.  I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got to my homework but after good night’s sleep, it took me less than an hour to do that same homework I struggled with the night before (really didn’t struggle, more like sat staring at the paper wanting to sleep, lol).

Good news is that I’ve picked an adviser for my thesis research!  I will be doing a lot of theoretical, mathematical work with a lot of programming too.  It is similar to what I did at my old job but on a much more sophisticated level.  I am actually looking forward to it!  I will also been working on a project with NASA (COOL!) and a cancer research project (helping people!) so good all around!

What this really means is an end to life as I know it.  LoL.  One nice thing about having this blog is that it keeps my healthy lifestyle front and center in my mind always.  That should mean that I will continue to maintain my life despite the fact that most grad students eat poorly, rarely exercise, and survive off caffeine and lack of sleep.

This will not be me!  I will continue to eat right and exercise!  Just look at last semester, I tried to always pack my lunch and dinner.  Despite the teasing of classmates and professors about my gigantic lunch box, I still toted that thing around, loaded with fresh, homemade dishes.  Exercise went to the wayside with all the driving but I tried to do what I could!

So now that that is settled, its time to do more homework and off to class!  Some sort of running will occur when I get home from classes this afternoon.  Endurance run or a HIIT workout.  Just gotta get moving!

5 thoughts on “Grad School in High Gear

  1. haha i always get made fun of for my huge lunch box at work too. and i could just buy downstairs- the fries and junk everyone else gets, but I know i feel a million times better. and I like to know where my food has been haha

  2. Sounds like your kind of schedule! Busy and organized…you are at your best that way…when you have too much unstructured time, you seem to not be as content… Glad to hear it’s going well!
    I’m hoping that by example the kids I teach will pick up some healthy habits…they always check out what’s in my lunchbox! When they ask me if I like some of the stuff they have packed, I just say, “I don’t eat (that whatever)…I prefer …” One of my kids hasn’t really varied his lunch since the start of school….Turkey sandwich, bag of Lays potato chips, and Butterscotch Krimipet pack….EVERY day…and he’s 4…. no fruit. no veggies. ever. In fact, one day, he was given a banana for snack by the teachers and he tried to eat it with the peel on… YIKES!!!

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