Hurts to Move

Yesterday, I almost forgot about my goals.  Ha!  It has been a while since I made any so I wasn’t ready to check things off in my head like I should be.  So I got right to it, and made a goals chart just like I used to and hung it near my workout calendar:


Now let’s hope I remember to look at it occasionally to remind myself, especially of the water tracking and paleo.  The other goals are already solidified in my head.

So anyway!  Yesterday, I said I was sore from my run but that was an understatement.  I was in pain only on my left side, the side that I have a bum ankle.  I guess without realizing it, I was compensating for my ankle by running funny.  That lead to major pain in my leg and especially my hip.  I spent most of the day with my thigh wrapped and my hip with an ice pack.  Finally, I took a hot bath and then did some yoga to stretch it all out.

Instagram_YogaOct1Speaking of which, that means I got my first workout of the month in!  Yoga is still activity so it counts!

Today, I am feeling loads better.  I even stood on one leg this morning (to get my jeans on, lol).  Yesterday, that was not possible.  Still, more icing will be done today.  I am supposed to run 2 miles today so we’ll see how I feel tonight.  The hip has been giving out a bit so I don’t want to hurt it more (or face-plant while jogging down the road).

Today, I have lots of school work (I always do!) and one class.  I made some delicious Paleo-friendly food last night so I’ve got lunch ready to go.  I will share the recipe tomorrow.  I just have to figure out what to make tonight! 

2 thoughts on “Hurts to Move

  1. Hope you’re feeling MUCH better today! Your October 1 looks better than mine on paper. 😉 keep up the good work, girlie! That yoga should really help with the healing.

  2. Glad you’re feeling better and if you need to WALK 2 miles, would that be so wrong? I’m not a marathon runner but thought it’s worth asking 🙂

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