March 2013 Goals

Before it gets too far into the month, I wanted to share some goals I made.  Sometimes making these goals charts work and other times it doesn’t.  But it can’t hurt to try!


Goal 1:  Body Beast

Now that I’m starting to feel better from my cold, I can start Body Beast up again.  It has been a few weeks though since I was consistently doing the program so I will actually completely restart to get better results.  Hopefully I will remember to take before pictures this time!

Goal 2: Running

My chest cold is almost gone so I can start running once again.  Let’s hope I’m able to build up my mileage in time for the half marathon in April!

Goal 3: Wheat-Free

Last week, I picked up a copy of Wheat Belly by William Davis.  This book has been around for a while but I never got around to it.  I’m really loving it and though its nothing new to me from all my other reading (Paleo books and such), its motivating me more to cut out the wheat.  Wheat is the thing I’ve been having the hardest time giving up.  I want to see how many days I can go Wheat-Free this month.

Goal 4: Read For School

I always like to have a non-health goal and this month, I want to work on reading more papers for classes and research.  Maybe an hour a night or 1 long paper a week.  I don’t want to set an exact number but go by feel. 

What are your goals for March?
Have you ever tried giving up wheat?  What is something you think would be hard to give up?

6 thoughts on “March 2013 Goals

  1. Wheat and I are not friends. Check out yesterday’s blog on Robb Wolf…it was about Vitamin D and how gluten can block the absorption of it and lead to a deficiency…very interesting…and I now that you read those type of things with a scientific mind, he does give the disclaimer that the studies were done on animals…anywho…I still thought it was another notch in the “no wheat” belt!

    Glad you are feeling better!!!

  2. Great goals for this month! I need to stick to my schedule and give up chips and too much wine, lol I am so glad Feb is over! This Mama is ready for SPRING!

  3. Great goals. We seem to be on a similar path this month. I haven’t formally written out my goals for this week, but they include:

    – run 3x a week. I stopped running in November with a really sore IT band :(. In February I started running 2x a week, and I’d like to ramp that up to 3x a week – hopefully the IT band cooperates!

    – Eat wheat free! I am really intrigued by the paleo diet, or some variation thereof, but am starting by trying to cut out wheat (and reduce other grains, but not obsess over that)

    Good luck!

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