May 2013 Goals Part 1

I started making my monthly goals for May and then I suddenly felt overwhelmed.  There is going to be a lot going on this month and I don’t know how long my goals will last so I figured it might be easier to break the month up into 3 blocks:

Block 1:  May 1st – 10th:  Semester Wrap Up
During this time, I will be finishing up all my work like take home finals and presentations.  Then, I have a few days to start thinking about where my research is going this summer.  Hopefully I will have a day or so to unwind a little bit before I need to delve into my work again!

Block 2:  May 11th – 20th:  Moving Mayhem
The lease for my school apartment is up on the 20th so I need to be all moved out by then.  There will be a lot of packing, sorting, and moving furniture during this time!  Plus, I have to really start my research for school so that once I am home, I am prepared to really get it done.

Block 3:  May 21st – May 31st:  Creating Routine
Once I move home, I need to get into a new routine.  I thrive on routine and hate chaos and disorganization.  I need to figure out my work schedule so I can avoid interruption and be most efficient with my time.  This will include working around meal preparation, workouts, and husband time.  Hopefully I can find some time to schedule for myself too!


The theme for Block 1 is Start Small:

  1. 50 Ounces of Water Daily – I am trying to get back to drinking more water.  Right now, I’m not even reaching this mark.
  2. Under 2000 Calories Daily – This is more to get me back into the habit of tracking and not going crazy on calories. 
  3. 150 Fitness Minutes – That is just 5 30-minute workouts.  I probably won’t get my first work out in until at least Saturday so it is basically 5 work outs in 7 days.
  4. 5 Wheat-Free Days – Russian Easter is on Sunday and a lot of the foods will contain wheat.  This is my most favorite holiday so I’m not going to ruin it for myself by not having my favorite foods.  I still need to do better on normal days though.
  5. 50,000 Steps – That is only 5,000 steps per day which I struggle with on a normal work/school day.  I sit at a desk all day so if I don’t work out or go for a walk, I barely get by with 3,000 steps so 5,000 is an improvement!

With all the school work going on, I can’t expect too much from myself, but I can do at least these goals without too much stress.  We will see how these go and then make up new goals for Block 2!

Do you make track-able, time-specific goals?
What, if any, are your goals for the month of May?

3 thoughts on “May 2013 Goals Part 1

  1. Great goals! Very attainable! Sitting is hard. I’ve forced myself when I have a chance to walk 10 minutes every hour at work, and a little more at lunch if I can. I used to just do 3 minutes every hour, and 5 before work to help with the workday. I am finally up to about 8000 steps before I leave work, which is now my goal. You can totally get 5K 🙂 If you up your water, all those steps to the bathroom will count! 🙂 I’ll be excited to see how this goes for you 🙂

    1. Oooh I usually try to do a long walk at lunch but don’t always want to. I can manage 5 minutes every hour!! Great idea!

  2. Pingback: Easter in May

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