New Inspirations

I got my copy of Runner’s World “The Trail” special issue this week and I just read an article in it about being burnt out on running.  I think this happens to me a lot and I think I have been fighting against it lately.  I just haven’t felt like running.  The author of the article says he takes 4 months off completely every year from running.  Maybe this time doing Insanity is just what I needed, time away from running!  It will make marathon training all that better Smile

On another note, one of the bloggers that I read regularly is on vacation this week and has been posting guest blogs from other bloggers and I’ve found it really interesting!  (Why didn’t I submit one???)  There have been 2 so far that really caught my eye.  First is the story of a woman who went from an occasional exerciser to ultramarathon/iron woman in just a few years!  I want to be her.  From Party Girl to Multi-Ironman Athlete

The second story is of a runner turned bikini competitor.  This story is right up my alley since I am torn between distance running and lifting.  I love lifting but have this strange draw toward distance running that I can’t explain (because honestly I don’t even enjoy it half the time!).  Perhaps after the marathon, I should start thinking about doing bikini competitions??  Ha!  Confessions of a Bikini Competitor

That’s it for today really!  I have a ton of work to do in the next 2 weeks.  Its finals time.  My classes are pretty much done (last one Tuesday!) but I have 2 take home finals, 2 presentations, and 1 in class final.  Well, its time for more coffee and get crackin on those take home exams!

One thought on “New Inspirations

  1. I had to chuckle…Many years ago the neighbor across from me was overweight. Her husband had been deployed after 9/11 and the stress of being home with her 2 young children put the weight on her…Shortly before he was to come home, she went to her Dr. and he told her that her body was about 20 years older than she was, she needed to do something to get healthier. Fast forward 5 years, she became a fitness instructor, Pilates instructor, and a body competitor! I’m not sure if she still competes, but she still looks great and still is always at the gym, either working out, or teaching! Where there is a will, there is a way!!!!

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