Sickiness Update

Good morning everyone! In case you are interested, I posted a blog already today about a winery tour I did this weekend!

I was still feeling pretty crummy for that but at least I could function and walk around! Today, I am starting to feel normal again but still worn down and my nose is stuffy/runny/annoying along with terrible coughing fits. I am still taking relief meds (i.e. mucus stuff, cough suppression, congestion stuff) to dull the symptoms so I probably feel better than I really am. Anyway, just still trying to recover but at least I can move around and not feel like death!

My eating this last week was terrible. I didn’t eat a lot (chewing with your mouth open because you can’t breathe through your nose is not fun), but most of what I ate was all the wrong stuff. Lots of bread items because when both you and your hubs are sick, pizza is quick and easy. We even used paper plates so we didn’t have to do dishes. If you know us, that should be amazing to you. We *never* use disposable dishware unless its for a party. But my point it, terrible junk because cooking was too much work!!

Yesterday was exactly 1 month until marathon training starts.
I need to make sure I get healthy before then but I have no idea where I stand with my running. This could be a disaster waiting to happen. Why me?! But I’m in no shape to go for a run and I won’t attempt it until I’m healthy. In the meantime, I’m going to try to go for a walk at lunch today and see how I feel. I can at least get some movement in, even if its not strenuous. Maybe I can lift some weights? Bicep curls while I watch tv later tonight?? I don’t want to prevent my body from getting better but I’m getting so fidgety!

So the plan for this week is:
emoticon Wean myself off the over-the-counter meds and hopefully be all better!
emoticon Get back to healthy, normal, mostly-Paleo eating again.
emoticon Get some movement in but don’t push too hard. A body needs rest to heal!
emoticon Get some sleep!!!

So that’s really it for now. My mind is all over the place. I feel like I have so much to do but I don’t know what! I need to get back into work too. We have a group meeting on Friday and I need to have something to show for my time. Just feel like its a never-ending stack of papers to read! Well, I think its time for that walk!

3 thoughts on “Sickiness Update

  1. I just ‘ran’ Zooma in Annapolis, with 3 weeks of no running, just having recovered from a nasty head / chest cold, that turned into a sinus infection…. but, I just gritted my teeth, and made it thru. It’s the start of training… you can get there. You can find a way to train. Get better soon… good food will help.

  2. Keep healing, sweetie! Today was my first workout back at LiveFit Revolution and I went back to week 1, day1, workout1! It wasn’t “wimping” out, either!

    Saturday, I went for a run-walk (more running than walking), which I should NOT have done for my joints alone but it was only 25 minutes…and I got to enjoy the pretty show those black dots put on for me! Srsly. I scared Bobby this AM. He’s smarter than I am, more often than not!

  3. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself and Rob too. Get better soon!

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