Babies & Bachelorettes

I feel like this weekend was almost a “last fling” with non-Paleo foods (this is excluding Christmas of course and Lauren’s wedding on New Year’s…

Healthy Holidays Week 6: Freggies

Weekly Focus:  Eat Your Freggies Last week, we concentrated on workouts. This week, I want you to really make an effort to eat your fruits…

Sticking My Neck Out

All week, I’ve had this horrible “crick” in the right side of my neck.  Today, it has moved to the left side!  I know its…

Photo Bomb

I’ve got nothing to talk about today!  So let’s just look at pictures I’m still doing the #RNRBestOf Instagram event (competition? game?). I’m also trying…

A Paleo Yogi

Good morning!  I may be a little peppy this morning from my AM Yoga I did.  I have been really tight and sore lately and…

Good Belly, Paleo Belly

So lots of random things today.  Rob and I didn’t do anything note-worthy over the weekend.  I got my haircut but I look the same…

Healthy Holidays Week 5 Challenges

First, congrats on finishing the first month!  We are half way there!!! Weekly Focus:  Increase Your Workouts This week, I jut want you to concentrate…

A Cupcake-Eating Running Elf

What a weekend already!  First, I had a girl’s night out with Lauren last night.  She invited me to an event called “Cupcakes and Cocktails”. …