Food Fridays: Lamb, Chicken, & Okra

This week, I had my nice camera with me which makes for excellent food photos!  First, that lovely Lamb Roast we made on Sunday.  It…

3 Days Until Africa!

I really need to start gearing up for my trip!  I leave Sunday!!  I’ve got most things I need and if I forgot anything at…

New Isn’t Forever

Such bad news today.  My Jeep got its first door ding! I am really sad about that, and it is right under the handle on…

Five Day Pledge

Stress has really been taking its toll on me this week, especially with South Africa only 6 days away and classes starting at the same…

On the Way to Cape May

Hello!  (Anyone else know that song by the way?)  Anyway, yet another whirlwind weekend for Rob and I, and its not going to let up…

Q&A: The Paleo Diet

Yesterday, I had some great questions from a Spark Friend so I figured I would use my response as a blog too! Q1.  I know…

In Defense of Paleo

I’ve noticed, even since before I started reading about and following a mostly-Paleo diet, that people are passionate about their views on the Paleo diet,…


I don’t even know where to start. Am I making excuses? Am I just being lazy? No. I feel terrible. I may have overdone it…