August Goals: Bring It!

In July, I had decided that I was giving up all those complicated weight loss techniques which included making specific monthly goals to track.  I…

2012 Goals Progress

Seeing as we are now more than half way through the year, I guess I should think about what my goals were for the year…

MudManX–My First Mud Run!

This weekend was jam packed!  First off, Friday, I had to come home early for a doctor’s appointment.  Luckily I was there because my sister…

Celiac or Not?

Wow I just read this article/blog on Being Celiac, and it really got me thinking. Some quotes from the article that I could have easily…

Muddy Anticipation

Happy Friday!  I am only one day away from my very first Mud Run!!  And I’m already not prepared.  I left some things in Delaware…

Delicious Eats: Recipes of the Week

Today’s blog is all about food!  Between Pinterest and PunchFork, I have recipes coming out the wazoo!  I prefer PunchFork because there are more healthy…

Achilles Fasciitis?

First up, my smoothie of the day!  Today’s smoothie only made about 8-10 ounces.  Perfect because I only wanted a snack. 1 Banana 1 tablespoon…

Pinterest Project: Roman Shades

I had decided a few weeks ago that if I’m going to pin things on Pinterest, I should start using some of them.  I’m not…