Life Update

I’ve got nothing to talk about today!  I did think of some interesting topics but I didn’t really feel like talking about any of them…

April Fool’s Day 7K 2012

This weekend was such a whirlwind as usual!  Not only did I (and still do) have tons of work to do but it was the…

Maintaining Balance

Almost went 2 days without a blog!  Shocker, right?  But truth is, I just have nothing to talk about.  Ha!  A lot of my blogs…

I Am Going Insane! (Insanity Day 2)

I know I said I wouldn’t bore you with recaps of Insanity every day but holy moly!  I just got done (seriously, sitting here eating…

Insanity, Here I Come!

I’m officially committed.  After the half marathon on the 17th, I’m going to start the Insanity program.  There will be no running, no Zumba, no…

Figuring it Out

As I told you yesterday, I really hate salads.  I just don’t know why.  Maybe the flavors never blend well for me.  But then, I…


Is this race cursed?  I am really starting to think it is.  Remember in December when I strained my thigh doing JW’s Power Circuit?  And…

Veggie Overload

Rob has really latched on to this Paleo thing.  Now, I told him I won’t give up my oatmeal and I have to use up…