Challenge Day 1 Complete!

First off, our weekly challenge is to log and share our food daily. These pictures aren’t in order but you can see I had: Breakfast: …

Waiting for Sandy

First off, I worked out today!!! I tried doing P90X’s Ab Ripper X.  I could do about half the moves with the boot.  Even things…

Being FitFluential!

There are big things happening right now!  First, I’ll start with the good news.  A few months ago, I applied and I was finally accepted: …

Food Failure

Hello!  Sorry for the lack of blog yesterday.  Mondays are hard for me as I have to drive to school and then its non stop…

Bridal Fun

It was yet another whirlwind weekend.  (It’s every weekend?).  I headed home Thursday evening and I have to say, I really benefited from having that…

Paleo Lasagna & Chicken Cacciatore

Paleo Lasagna I have to admit, this wasn’t my recipe.  But then again, I never do follow recipes.  This one was so easy though, it…

October: Getting Back in the Habit

Before I get into my goals for the month…  I did it!!! I ran 18 miles!  More like ran/walk 14 miles and shuffled 4 miles. …

Tackling Tuesday

Good morning everyone! Today is just a recap blog: First, I am still feeling really sickies. It has settled down in my chest now and…