Taking Its Toll

Yesterday was a long day of school!  Nothing fun to report.  I did make a pumpkin smoothie for breakfast which was delicious.  I started with a 1/4 cup of oatmeal and 1/2 cup milk.  Then I added some pumpkin butter (basically, pumpkin sugar and spices) and a little extra pumpkin spice.  I also added 1/2 scoop of vanilla protein power and a spoonful of apple butter.  It was delicious!  Oh, I also blended it with ice (first time it came out right the immersion blender!).  It was pretty good but a little too sweet for me.  Once the pumpkin butter is used up, I will just use canned and sweeten it to my liking!  Otherwise, a great way to start the day!

Oh, and this got me thinking, could you make warm smoothies?  I was thinking oatmeal and milk blended with like baked apples.  Basically, oatmeal through a straw.  Would that be weird?  Problem is that I use the ice to bulk it up.  Hm, something to think about!

Yesterday in class, we get the news that our homework (which I had trouble finishing due to tiredness and sickness) would now be a take-home exam due Friday.  Luckily, I talked to some classmates and was feeling better from the sickies and was able to clear my head to work on the exam.  I got home and redid the entire thing and finished at a reasonable hour!  Amazing what I can do when I’m feeling normal! Now, to do the other 2 homework assignments I have!  Its never-ending!!

So anyway, that lead to a lot of sitting around with Rob, watching tv.  Sounds nice, right?  Except we were banned from the couch…

So we had to sit in chairs and awkwardly relax.  LoL!  The things we let our cats get away with!

Fitness and Health
I don’t have any time lately!  That means, no time to work out and no time to cook properly.  My diet has been very poor and its really starting to “show”.  A pair of jeans this morning that were always tough to wear anyway wouldn’t go on at all.  Ugh.  Also, I’m finding it very hard to track on fitbit’s website.  I’ve thought about just tracking on Spark People again but I like having my data all in one spot!  I’m torn.  And fitbit’s mobile site is terrible while SP has an app that is decent (not great because it likes to crash sometimes!).  Seeing as I hardly have any time for the computer lately, having a good app would be really helpful.

Anyway, so it looks like I will be getting an apartment by school soon so I will have much more time to do things but less time with Rob 🙁  It will work out but my weekends will be dedicated to him!  My poor friends are never going to see me again!  LoL.  But it will be a lot less stressful.

How do you squeeze in workouts in a busy schedule?
I honestly have to say I hate it when people tell me to just do 20 minutes.  Its never just 20 minutes.  Its 5 minutes to change, 20 to work out, 15 to shower, and another 15 to get dressed again.  That’s 55 minutes!  I could try and get up earlier but then I’d be tired all the time so I’d have to go to bed earlier which would just lead to me having less time in the evenings for homework and things so I might as well just use that time to work out, right?  See, I just need more time!

And For Haley:

7 thoughts on “Taking Its Toll

  1. I have the My Fitness Pal app on my phone in addition to the SP mobile…LilySpark told me about it…it’s pretty decent…has a TON more food already entered compared to SP food tracker. You can track fitness on there, too – you’d have to enter it from your Fitbit… Good luck!
    I know it will be hard to be in an apt. in DE, but just think of all the time you’ll save driving – it will give you so much more time to exercise, eat right and do your homework. And, it is temporary! As the old saying goes, “this too, shall pass”…and in the long run, it will be worth the hardship right now…
    I make a similar drink though, I use protein powder, pumpkin, spices, a splash of coconut milk, almond milk and a tbs or 2 of almond butter…immersion blender and it comes pretty thick. No ice. I’d be concerned with warming the protein powder – might break down some of the nutrients? Maybe just the oats, milk, apple, raisins, cinnamon?

    1. Downloading now! I just find that it is really annoying to add foods to FitBit (and a lot of them, I need to add). I already have a bunch I added to SP (or they were easy to find from other users). The only reason to track on FitBit is that it calculates your range according to the calories you’ve burned that day. I guess I could just check that I am in the range via 2 sites! Thanks!!

      And you are right, it will be ok, I’m just being pouty. LoL. We do everything together!

      1. that app adjusts cal-in range for exercise too…you’d just have to enter it. I hear you about adding food – I loved the way it was easy for SP once you had them and you could save the ones others added to your favs….I do miss being on SP daily…I just don’t need to count cal or exercise anymore since paleo…I don’t even think about it and my weight has been the same for months (+/- 2 depending on TOM)

  2. myfitness pal app is great for days where you’ve got the same thing and for scanning barcodes and looking things up….love it…

  3. Ahhh, I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to comment on this [I read your posts at work on my “smart” phone but I don’t understand how to comment through it… =/ ]! I LOVE THAT IT’S BECOMING FALL! The changing leaves are my favvvoorriiteee!! Thanks for the beautiful photo… it makes me so jealous… until I think about the impending snow that’ll be covering those streets in a month or so, hehe.

    1. I live near the ocean! Which means we only get 1 or 2 big storms per year (if that, we went many years without any snow at all). So ha! LoL. But I think cold/freezing rain is even less enjoyable than snow. ::sigh:: Did you know I went to Syracuse University for college? 183 inches of snow my sophomore year! It still holds as the city’s 6th record snowfall!

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