Morning Insanity!

What a day!  First off, I checked my sleep patterns from last night.  I thought it was cool enough in the room and I would sleep ok but then I had the worst time getting up again!  And check out my chart for the night:


Terrible!  So then I drug my butt to do my Insanity workout (which was not going well , no energy) and half way through my computer decides to reboot itself.   It took almost 10 minutes to install the update and turn back on!!! 

After the workout now, I was really running late but decided to just do my thing.  Finally, I was ready to go, packing my stuff and… where’s my wallet???  1 and a half hours later, I finally find wallet in my car on the passenger side by the door (after calling the store and going to my apartment complex’s office to see if anyone turned it in).  I guess it slide off the seat yesterday after I had gone to the store.  Gr.

:: Breathe ::

jackie-warner-this-is-why-youre-fatOn the bright side, I’m reading This is Why You’re Fat again by Jackie Warner.  I really love this book (the title is a little blunt but so is JW!).  It is what first got me into switching around my diet to eating more protein and less refined carbs.  I don’t think I ever wrote a review for it so I will this time (besides, I read it before the Chicken Scoop was even around!).  Its definitely packed full of great info.  She just came out with a new book and I’ve been back and forth about getting it because of the title but I was the same way about this book.  Then I read it and I just love the way she talks to you in the book that I totally forgive the title!  Haha!  Anyway, more on that in the book review Smile

Time to finally get my day started.  I’m still all frazzled from the missing wallet thing (and the no sleep thing).  One more day to the weekend!

One thought on “Morning Insanity!

  1. Hope you get a chance to even close your eyes for 5 minutes. I LOVE the Silva app (free) for meditation. I get a 30″ lunch at work and often do the “long” (which is really about 29″) or sometimes the shorter one. It’s guided progressive meditation with a “tapping” that’s supposed to help brain waves “settle.” I don’t know if it really works but I like it A LOT. I survive on meditation (and chocolate, which I’m not reccommending).

    I *love* Warner’s book but think the title puts people off, which is too bad. It, to me, was about the best/ easiest layman’s explanation of a lot of hormonal/ chemistry “stuff” in our bodies. I’m no medical or scientifically-trained person. If I can understand it, I think most can 🙂

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