Camping Trip to Ricketts Glen: Sunday & Monday

Finally, the last of my camping posts!  It was quite the long weekend.  We had intended to stay to Sunday but decided to add an…

Camping Trip to Ricketts Glen: Saturday

Saturday morning, we woke up again bright and early from going to bed so early.  It was still raining and gloomy out when we got…

Camping Trip to Ricketts Glen: Thursday & Friday

Hello everyone!  I eluded to a fun weekend in my last post and I’m finally back: Rob and I went camping for 4 nights at…

Running in Nature

Yesterday was a day full of boring tasks: I washed some dishes I did laundry I wrote a blog I hunted for jobs online I…
Clock, Alarm, Time

Snoozing Through My Workouts: 5 Tips to Make Morning Exercise Easier

The first 2 weeks of my 8 week fitness challenge are done and I really dropped the ball in week 2. I was super busy…

May Days

I realize I have been awful quiet around here.  That is going to change.  In the meantime, let’s get caught up on where the heck…

June 2015 Goals

I said I wasn’t making any goals this month.  Then I noticed that June conveniently starts on a Monday.  HOW CAN I RESIST?!  My internal…

Starting Over Running Style

Now that school is out, I have plenty of time to get fit, right?  But, like most people, I feel a little paralyzed without a…