Philly Marathon Expo

Friday night, Rob and I headed over to the Philadelphia Marathon Expo just for fun!  No, I wasn’t running anything this weekend (although I might have done the 7K if I had known about it!).  I felt bad because a lot of people at the expo asked me which I was doing and felt guilty saying I just came to walk around!  In my defense, the expo is completely open to the public so I’m allowed!  LoL.  It was a decently sized expo!  Plenty of different things to look at!

I needed a few things from the expo.  A reflective vest, some more cute headbands (ok that was a want not a need), and a new spie belt since mine has disappeared somewhere in the house.  Of course, there were plenty of foods to sample like Naked Coconut Water, Cliff Bars, and this awesome (delicious) sustainably caught canned seafood by Wild Planet.  I tried my first sardine!  (like my sticker?)

We got a whole lot of tuna!  They also said they are available at a grocery store near us so we will have to look for them next grocery trip.  There was lots to see as usual, including a guy in a swimming pool doing a marathon length.  I don’t know what it was for but I’m sure he had a reason, haha!  We also saw Bennett from “The Stick” again who we met at the AC Expo!  He is always so delightful and gave me his card.  He is part of a running club out in Philly and I would love to go out there for a run or two sometime.

We kept meandering and then… I saw someone I thought I recognized.  It was Hal Higdon!  Wow!  I know, no one knows who he is but if you read my blog, you know that I religiously use his website for all my running needs.  I was so excited, I was probably a little silly.  Haha.  I got a copy of his book (which I’ve been meaning to get anyway) and he was nice to sign it for me.  I’ve already started reading it!

After that, it was time to head out because we were meeting a friend for dinner and drinks and he had just gotten to town.  It was definitely a good expo to go to!  Next year, maybe I will remember to do the 7K 🙂  Philly for the night was fun too.  We headed to McGillin’s Pub.  We ate and had some drinks but it was really loud in there.  We wandered around a bit and found the “Graffiti Bar” which you have to walk down this scary dark narrow ally to get to!

We also stumbled onto another Pub called Finn McCool’s.  It was pretty cute and much quieter.  The waitress was adorable so that helped.  LoL.  After that, we decided it was late and called it a night!

Saturday’s blog to come!

3 thoughts on “Philly Marathon Expo

  1. So bummed that I missed the expo…oh, well! The race today was awesome! Despite my concerns with what to wear with the temps changing all week…I was ok with my choice. Maybe it was a bit warmer than I would usually go, but I had a zipper that I could zip up and down if I was warm or cool when the wind blew. Over all it was an awesome race, I did my new PR! Yeah! Now I have something to work towards for DC! Feeling great right now…we’ll see how it goes tomorrow! 🙂

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