Quickie Update

Well, I can say that one benefit of being sick is that when you can’t taste your food, you only eat until you’re no longer hungry.  You don’t keep eating just because it tastes good.  Ha! 

Yesterday, I got over 10,000 steps!  Woohoo!  At this rate, I’ll be back in shape in no time.  

Lately, I have not been paying much attention to what I eat.  I have grains more often than I probably should.  Same for dairy.  I haven’t been overeating though and feel satisfied and energetic.  I like that better than dieting and feeling deprived and hungry all the time.  I know once I get back to the gym and can lift again, I will start seeing positive changes in my body again.

On a related note,  my foot is feeling much better.  I have been wearing small heels to keep the pressure off of it.  I am still going to give it a few weeks before I try any lifting that is done standing or any running.  Once this cold is gone, I will get back at it!  As I write this, I have been having a coughing fit the whole time!

School is going well.  Yesterday, I had a long day on campus and then the train broke down on the way home, only one stop from where I get off!  Luckily, I called my sister and she was able to come save me.  We got a quick bite to eat at this great Mexican restaurant nearby and then headed over to my car so I could get home early since today would be another long day at school.

I know, exciting stuff today.  I’ll try to think of something fun for tomorrow 🙂  Happy Hump Day!

4 thoughts on “Quickie Update

  1. Kick that cold to the curb and start feeling better, girlie! Glad to hear that school is going well…keep up that great attitude! I’m sure it helps that you are home and not away anymore… Have a fantastic day!

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