Sick But Stress Free

Friday was a pretty busy day.  I had work to do plus other errands and such all day.  That night, I had friends over for a 31 Party (which is still open for orders by the way if you want anything!).  I absolutely love all their totes, purses, and organizers.


DSC_2996I tried my best to keep all the food relatively healthy.  I even revamped a Pampered Chef recipe I had to be grain-free.  It was crab meat with cream cheese, lemon zest, dill, and cocktail sauce served on cucumber slices.  I love using cucumbers in place of crackers!  I even eat salsa that way.  Anyway, I also made caprese-sticks (mozzarella, grape tomatoes, basil drizzled with balsamic vinegar), mini Hawaiian pizzas (tortillas, ham, pineapple, garlic baked in muffin tins for DSC_300212 minutes at 350), and fruit skewers.  I had out carrots, and chips and salsa too.  My mother-in-law made the most delicious zucchini bread also!

For drinks, I bough Skinny Girl Margarita and Cosmo pre-mixed drinks and they were pretty good!  They are all natural, using agave for sweetener and low in calories.  Not bad for when you are having a cocktail!  To spice them up, I made raspberry ice cubes which added a bit of flavor Smile  A couple of girls showed up and we had a nice time hanging out!

Saturday was rugby of course!  We had a terrible game (against a very good team) and I felt like death the entire time.  I took less than 100 pictures!  (A normal rugby day, I take about 600).  I got some good shots of Rob tackling though:


I had debated on going to the Sweat AC expo with a friend but allergies are seriously kicking my butt this weekend so I’m glad I didn’t.  It started last week and really hit me on Thursday/Friday/Saturday.  I even lost my voice Saturday night.  Needless to say, I did not do my 18 mile run on Sunday.  I am going to work on getting in 18 miles sometime this week, even if I have to break it up into two 9 milers.  I had a 20 miler next weekend which may have to be pushed back a few day also.  I just hope I feel better soon!!!

DSC_3128Sunday was spent relaxing (because I needed it big time) and Rob worked on our back porch.  We are enclosing it with screening.  Our neighbors have horses so there are lots of flies.  Screening will DSC_1555make the porch much more useable!  Rob is also going to install heaters so he can use his gym area during the winter.  Just an old TV, some weights, mats, and a bench!  That’s all you need, right?

I’ll have more of a health and fitness update later.  I just hope these allergies/cold/mucus/whatever this is goes away quickly.  I may have been a little over-worked and over-stressed which made me more susceptible to getting sick (and Rob was sick too).  It is what it is!  I hope this weekend, which was pretty relaxing for me, will be enough to help me get back on track.  I am really feeling the need to get back to workouts and eating right!  It is the only way to stay healthy (sickiness wise) and keep stress down.  I am just feeling ready to commit again Smile

How do you typically spend your weekends?

Rob and I are always super busy.  We have rugby or road races most weekends now.  We also do all our errands usually on Sundays.  My favorite thing is spending the day at home though, getting stuff done around the house!

6 thoughts on “Sick But Stress Free

  1. THAT’S what those 31 stickers on SUVs are. I’m so out of the loop…

    All your food sounds great and looks even better. You’re super-fancy!

    I’m deathly allergic to agave (I know, what am I knot but srsly, ended up in hospital in the 80s for agave; this wasn’t so much a problem in the Midwest as it’s not common or WASN’T…now, it’s in lots of stuff and I have to be careful of anything that says, “naturally sweetened” that doesn’t state exactly with what).

    I typically am “parked” on the ranch on weekends since I drive so much during the week. I tend to do a lot of laundry and housework that I ignore mostly through the week. THIS weekend, I did 2 wos on Saturday, then had 7 cidres. DRUNK! Oy! Today, I mostly lazed, a deer hunter came out and I gave him a tour of the woods and then I did TurboFire 60. Small life I have!

  2. I saw on fb you weren’t feeling well- I hope you get better ASAP! also, LOVEEE 31. I have a bag and use it whenever I can.

  3. Saturdays are consumed with 4 travel soccer games…then Sunday is the day to poke around the house and get done whatever didn’t get done during the week (yesterday I shampooed the carpets and hubs cut the grass)…Oh, and I did my 18 miler before church. 😉

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