Time for Goals!

It has not been easy to keep up with my blog during school!  You guys know I’m busy so I don’t need to talk about it but next week, I will have a really hard time but I promise to write at least once!

Even being so busy, I’m doing pretty well with my health goals.  I’m getting a decent amount of steps in (though my ankle started to hurt again yesterday) and my meals are pretty darn healthy.  It is the other stuff that could be an issue though – snacks, lack of going to the gym, too much coffee (lack of water), etc.  So I figured I would make some goals for the rest of the week (Wednesday – Sunday):

  • More water, less coffee.
  • Gym at least twice.
  • Stick to planned/packed meals.
  • Track my food.

I think I’m going to shoot for about 1800 calories per day (give or take a few depending on workouts and how I’m feeling).  I figured this is a good number by looking at my FitBit data from the last month:


Just eyeballing it, I burn about 1750 on lazy days but do much better on active days, so 1800 might not shred the fat but it will be a good start for now.  I know that tracking is necessary for me as it keeps me in line.  I’ve just been lazy about it lately.

Yep, I said it.  I’ve been lazy!  And I know it.  I hate doing it but even before, I sucked it up and tracked.

Suck It Up Buttercup!

So that is where I’m at right now.  I’m also trying to hit the gym more because…

  1. I pay for it.
  2. It helps relieve stress.
  3. It will help me get in shape.
  4. I will burn fat faster (same at #3?).

This grad program is tough though and has lots of extra things outside of class that I have to attend.  This often means a 5:30 AM rise time and not returning home until after 8 (or even 10) most nights.  I’m lucky that I have no classes on Fridays so the weekend is 3 days that I can use to go to the gym.  I just have to ignore excuses and make the time.  Weekends are often jam packed with other activities and I have to remember that I need to make sure I give myself time to exercise too!

So I’m feeling good about these goals/plans for now.  Like I said, next week will be really tiring (I’ll tell you guys what I’ll be doing in another blog) but I’m just worrying about one week at a time!  That is as far as I can think ahead right now!!

Do you prefer long term or short term goals?

I used to do a lot of monthly goals but with how busy I am, I can’t think that far ahead.  I actually sit  down with my schedule each week and think about my meals and exercise and stop there.  The only future stuff I can bare is all school related!

One thought on “Time for Goals!

  1. One week at a time is a great start…or even if it has to be goals for just one day! Smaller bites are much more manageable! Keep plugging along…you’ll get back to where you want to be!

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