
Good news!  I am almost done with this semester!  My two take home exams are handed in, I have homework and a short paper due…

Product Review: Chia Charger Peanut Butter

Chia Charger is a brand of nut butters with added chia seeds.  They come in different varieties.  I ordered a package of 3 different kinds…

Groceries for One

Its been a long time since I last had to buy groceries for one person.  And besides, when I was buying for one, way back…

2 Mile Limit

I always forget.  2 miles is my limit.  I have to make it past 2 miles in a run before deciding what to do from…

Parties, Pasta, and Peanut M&Ms

What a weekend!  What a day!  I will just go in chronological order to keep it straight. Friday Friday was my last day at work…

Season of Giving

I walked into work this morning to find this beautiful tree in the lobby!  I just had to stop and see what was going on…

Cold Weather Running Needs

It’s that time of the year!  On Monday, it was like 68 degrees outside.  Today, it is 30.  I’ve already done a blog on Night…

December Goals

What happened to November???  It was here and gone again in no time!  Now that its December, its time to make new goals.  I have…