Fat and Sugar Please

Good morning everyone! Yesterday was full of ups and downs.  I wasn’t feeling great all morning so I headed home at lunch to get my…

Maiden Voyage

Yesterday was the first time out for my new pair of Brooks Pure Cadence sneakers! I bought them back in March at the DC Rock…

A Day With Me!

I thought it would be fun to do a blog that followed me around all day but apparently I have a pretty boring day and…

DVD Review: Bob Harper Inside Out Method – Pure Burn

For some reason, I like to call this DVD “Pure Strength” but its not, its Pure Burn!  LoL.  I actually already wrote a DVD Review…

It’s DVDs For Me!

There has been this black whole where my Insanity workouts once were.  My calendar looks so empty!  So you know me, I need a plan.…

Insanity Review: Month 2 & Final Results

Yesterday was my very last day of Insanity!  In case you missed them, I have been posting review blogs as I’ve been going along: Insanity:…

Book Review: This is Why You’re Fat by Jackie Warner

This is the second time I have read this book all the way through and I still love it!  Now, I know a lot of…

May 2012 Goals

I’ve felt a little lack luster lately.  A little blah.  My workouts have felt sluggish and when I do have the energy, my ankle hurts. …