Return of the Gym Rat

What a day I had yesterday.  I don’t want to talk about the awfulness so let’s talk about the positives.: I ate within my ranges…

Day 1: Reprioritizing

Yesterday, I did my best to be a healthy living blogger, reprioritizing making health important again: I ate good foods, I worked out (!), I…

Paleo Lasagna & Chicken Cacciatore

Paleo Lasagna I have to admit, this wasn’t my recipe.  But then again, I never do follow recipes.  This one was so easy though, it…

Hurts to Move

Yesterday, I almost forgot about my goals.  Ha!  It has been a while since I made any so I wasn’t ready to check things off…

Like Night and Day

Tuesday, I woke up, got right out of bed, threw on my running clothes and headed out. It was such a great run!  I did…

Playing Catch Up

Hello everyone!  I’m back from my trip!!  I actually arrived back in the States on Saturday but I was completely exhausted.  I had these grand…

Five Day Pledge

Stress has really been taking its toll on me this week, especially with South Africa only 6 days away and classes starting at the same…

August Goals: Bring It!

In July, I had decided that I was giving up all those complicated weight loss techniques which included making specific monthly goals to track.  I…