Good Belly, Paleo Belly

So lots of random things today.  Rob and I didn’t do anything note-worthy over the weekend.  I got my haircut but I look the same as the photo I just posted here (like the pic?  I just added it!)  We hung out with friends watching football on Saturday.  So I guess just some things going on this week…

On Saturday, I finally used my GoodBelly coupon that I won from Livin’ Life in Louie months ago.  None of the stores carried it at first and I was going to give it to a friend but then I randomly found it at my local grocery store.  They just started stocking it!  I tried the mango flavor and it was AMAZING!  But it does add liquid calories.  At least its another way to add in probiotics on a non-dairy diet!  (It contains oat flour so its not Paleo).

In other news, I just got “It Starts with Food” in the mail for a FitFluential campaign!  Now that I’ve decided to try going 100% Paleo, it will super useful.  The other books I read were good but I still feel like I need more help with the “how” than the “why”.  You know a review will be coming when I’m done!

Speaking of which, you read that right: 100% Paleo.  In the last few weeks, I’ve really tightened up my diet more and I’ve had 3 major reactions to wheat products during that time that I can pinpoint.  I do not want that pain ever again so it looks like wheat is gone.  I’ve also noticed more dairy reactions.  My new go-to at Starbucks is Soy Milk (gasp!  I never thought I would!).  Its not Paleo but its better than regular milk for me.

I’ve also started to carry around Stevia in the Raw packets just in case I stop for coffee.  The Soy Milk at Starbucks is vanilla flavored so I usually don’t need it in those drinks.

In other news, I’m doing a fun Instagram challenge for the Rock’N’Roll Marathon series with the hashtag #RNRBestOf so you’ll see random running photos popping up there!

Oh and I’m also obsessed with Pomegranates right now…

Finally, its finals time this week so you will understand if you don’t hear from me much.  I have enough to handle with the Healthy Holidays Challenge too.  I really wish I had more time for that too but it is what it is!

And that’s it for today!  I’ve got to tutor today and then work on Lasers homework.  Finally, I have to get in a workout and cook dinner at some point!  Happy Monday!

2 thoughts on “Good Belly, Paleo Belly

  1. Woohoo! This is the first time in over a week (I think) WP has let me sign in to comment! I’ve been trying at my friend’s place longer, possibly. I noticed when I logged in today (at my WP) they’ve totally redone the UI / splash page *and* when you upload media, it’s completely different. Everytime they make changes, it seems to booger up stuff.

    ANYWAY: I can’t do dairy but since I don’t usually get more than 1 a week from Starbucks, I do NONFAT milk. You know that I do soy milk (unsweetened) for the phyto-estrogen (however, I no longer eat edamame) but I won’t do Starbuck’s soy cos it’s SO DAMNED SWEET. Wow!

    What’s funny is you know I eat candy…I guess if I’m drinking coffee I don’t want it sweet…I’m sort of neurotic with food preferences!

    I’m happy you’re feeling better!

  2. Sorry, I’m BACK! I just read the splash page for your program (whole 30). That’s basically the ‘control’ (4-6 weeks) of elimination testing. You have to get all that crap OUT before you can add one food at a time (like for a week, if there’s no reaction, then it’s on the ‘okay’ list).

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