Gym Escapades

Hey everyone!  Its just another Monday around here.  Actually, I felt like the week never ended last week because Rob worked all weekend.  I tried to stick to a schedule but instead, I just took it easy.

Friday, I tried a Zumba class at the least busy of the gyms. While the class had plenty of space, it was a little slow and low-intensity for me.  I’ll use this class for low intensity days (when I know I need to exercise but I’m too tired or sore).

Saturday, I spent just walking and shopping with my sister and got 8400 steps!  Not bad for not hitting the gym!

StepExerciseSunday, I went to Step Challenge at the closest of the gyms and boy was it tough.  I know most of you think of this when you hear Step Aerobics but its progressed since then (although I found this video equally hilarious).

The step classes I enjoy are highly choreographed and intense.  I had taken classes like this before so I was confident enough that I could follow along well enough and take breaks when I needed to.  That is, until I walked into class and learned that we used two steps.


You stand between two step (yours and your neighbors) and work with both of them.  The instructor sort of jumped right into the moves, and considering I was in the back and couldn’t really see her, I could have been in a lot of trouble.  Luckily the girl next to me (who was super nice and didn’t get mad at me once) knew the routine and I could just follow her.  I just made sure that if I messed up, to just stay out of the way of my neighbor and jump in when I was ready.  I actually picked it up pretty quickly from my previous experience and only messed up occasionally when I was tired or if I didn’t see what was next.  So, our class was much more like this video below but even crazier if that is possible to imagine…

[embedplusvideo height=”309″ width=”500″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=mDihdmGc-Tk&width=500&height=309&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6138″ /]

Otherwise, the weekend was pretty low key with Rob working.  This morning, I woke up with extremely sore calves but I made myself go to Hip Hop Hustle (which also uses your calves a ton).  I was pretty pooped but did well in this class too.  I’ll definitely being going each week!  (Here is a Hip Hop Hustle video if you are curious).  I definitely need to stretch my legs out really well today or I’ll be hobbling around the rest of the week.

BeFitSeeing as how I never go on YouTube unless I’m looking for something, I also just stumbled over this cool account, BeFit, that shares full length workout DVDs.  They are older ones, but its still a great resource for someone who exercises at home!  They also have a 90 day challenge on their website that uses their youtube videos.  Just sharing in case it works for you!  I book-marked it.  Funny thing is that I actually own some of the DVDs for the videos on here.  Ha!

Now, I must be off to stretch and shower (I was so hungry when I got home, I had to eat ASAP, no time to shower!).  I need to hit another Body Pump class tomorrow or do my own strength training routine.  I try to do ST at least twice per week to keep those muscles looking good!  There is a class at 5:45 tomorrow morning (yes, that’s 5:45 AM).  Maybe I’ll try it!

Do you prefer intense exercise or slow and steady?

You guys know I run too so that is where I get the “slow and steady” but when I hit the gym for an hour long class, I want maximum efficiency of my time!   Of course, there are times when a nice calm yoga class is welcome 🙂

6 thoughts on “Gym Escapades

  1. Ummm…I’ll take my 30 min. crossfit-type workout over step or hip hop…I’d hurt someone! I am SO NOT coordinated enough for that! I like the intensity of my class, but no rhythm is needed! Though, I guess if I was, it would seem more like a party and fun than butt kicking exercise! So glad you have a good time!!! Keep it up!

  2. I love slow and steady runs….but if I am going to a class, it had better make me sweat (pink! 🙂 I love that you are taking a variety of classes. I wish I had a gym closer that had classes for me to try! I really need to start doing something on my own!

  3. I love that you have such a range of workout classes! (ok. really just jealous haha) I want to try body pump and hip hop hustle looks like so much fun! (kindof like zumba?) anything to dance to music and workout is ok in my book. And that steps class. I would have fallen within the first 5 seconds haha

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