Ho Hum

After Sunday’s post with all the wonderful things going on, the last day or so feels so boring.  LoL!  I haven’t been taking pictures like I usually do.  I just feel off.  No workouts, my eating is crazy.  Its not terrible but not structured either.  Lots of grazing.  Yesterday was a lot better and today is good too (happens when you have to pack most of your meals for the day).  Anyway!

I signed the lease for my new apartment and put down the deposit yesterday.  Today, I have a seminar for school and then I’m going to head downtown to change the utilities into my name.  It will be my first time downtown so it will be interesting!  I hope parking is easy.  I think its so weird that I have to go in person to do this though.  Strange…  Isn’t everything done on the internet nowadays?  Anyway, I can pick the keys up on Saturday but I won’t have time.  Looks like I will be moving in on Monday!  Just need a bed!

Today, I managed to pack my meals but totally forgot snacks!  With the seminar, I knew I would be in trouble.  Most people would stop at a fast place like Wawa (or 7 Eleven) but there is a grocery store across the street from my campus so I stopped there and got an apple and raw cashews.  So much better of a selection than the convenience stores!  Haha. I was in and out and with the self check out, it was actually easier I think than Wawa.  Need to remember this for next time!

My fitness has been nonexistent.  I didn’t do anything yesterday!  I probably could have made time.  In my defense, my stomach was still a little weird from Sunday but I still could have done something.  I am just feeling super overwhelmed right now.  I can’t wait for this semester to be over and get a little break!

On another note, I’m still up several pounds so now my new norm is 148.  Ugh.  I hate admitting it.  I was maintaining around 144 for over a year so its not that bad of a gain but its still frustrating.  I just need to get on a new schedule.  Routine works for me and right now, I don’t have a routine.  Things are just chaotic.

Enough whining, I have to head off to the seminar!  Then its all sorts of errands, eat at some point, class at 4:30, then drive home to get back around 8:30/9.  Then its basically right to bed!

One thought on “Ho Hum

  1. Hang in there! Things will be easier when you are settled into a new routine when you move into your apartment…I know it’ll be tricky to get used to doing things w/o Rob…that’ll be another adjustment, but at least, you will be able to have a better routine!!!
    Keep plugging along…day by day…you can do it!!!

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