Wardrobe Malfunction

Not that kind people!  Minds in the gutter, I tell ya.  So!  My ankle has been bugging me every since starting Insanity.  Finally, after irritating it on Saturday via my workout and then wearing heeled boots to Rob’s rugby game (grass + heels = bad idea), it really bothered me during my workout yesterday. 

It is mostly an ache, like it is warning me that if I move the wrong way, it will get hurt.  I had a suspicion that it was my sneakers causing this issue since they never felt right and I was always retying them.  I had to stop over and over yesterday.  I finally had enough and what did I do?  Kicked them off!barefeet2

I have no issues going barefoot for a workout (remember my Vibrams?).  Well, I have to tell you, my workout was great from there on out!  No aches, no soreness!  I actually found that I was landing lighter on my feet (having no padding to land on will do that).  I felt 1000 times better than with the sneakers. 

Now, it often takes time to adjust to barefoot for a workout since you are using different muscles in your legs and feet.  So today, I have to decide, no sneakers or different sneakers?  But sadly those expensive running sneakers that I bought back in January are no good for running and no good for cross training.  Biking?  Walking?  Wearing to class?  Collecting dust?  LoL!  I feel I should use them because they really were expensive but if they are going to hurt me, they might need to be downgraded to every day sneakers.  Better than getting injured!

Do you ever work out barefoot?  Would you consider trying it?

9 thoughts on “Wardrobe Malfunction

  1. Love doing my workouts ‘barefoot’. I have some shoes that I use all the time, both for short runs, and for workouts at home.

    Don’t run in shoes that don’t work. The injuries aren’t worth it! Use them everyday. Get your foot appraised properly, and get some new ones. It’s worth it.

    Nice observation though.

    1. I used these shoes maybe 3 times to run in before I sidelined them. Why that same train of thought didn’t translate over to Insanity is beyond me! LOL. Maybe its because I wasn’t *sure* it was the sneakers. I thought maybe my ankle was just tired from all the jumping. Now I know!

  2. “No can do” the barefoot thing… I have a nasty neuroma (had it over 20 years) and barefoot any time bugs it…can’t even walk around the house barefoot! Now, my hubs is a barefoot runner…Vibrams when it’s cold, skin to pavement when it’s not…or when the pavement is REALLY hot…
    Speaking of workout shoes, time to go put mine on! 🙂

  3. I have been running barefoot for the past two months! I injured my knee last August and couldn’t do anything for about 5 months…ugh! But, “accidentally” discovered that running barefoot caused my gait to change (mid-foot strike instead of heel strike) and it didn’t send shards of glass into my knee, so I’ve been training my body to run barefoot and LOVE it!

  4. Sometimes I will do my home DVDs barefoot. I actually HATE wearing tennis shoes and will only wear them to the gym (I do owe a billion flip flops though haha)
    So glad your ankle is feeling better! do you think you will do the marathon barefoot!?! eek haha

  5. Kettlebells are almost always done barefoot…of course, yoga, too.

    I did Insanity barefoot because with all the leaping, my space was carpeted and I’d TRIP. A bunch!

  6. I prefer to be barefoot (or just socks) when I work out at home. Even on the elliptical. I know every instruction manual says to wear sneakers, but I’m so much more comfortable without them. I also find my knees hurt less when I do the stepper or cardio videos too. Maybe it’s like Kat says and my foot strikes differently….

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