Happy Chicks

Video of the new babies.  The lighting is red because of the heat lamp and the camera’s light scares them. Notice that I have 4…

How to Peel a Kiwi

A friend noticed me eating a kiwi at work the other day and though it was so interesting how I ate it so I thought…

First Chickie Pictures

Posted these on Spark People but since this is the Chicken Scoop… The chickens started hatching!!!  We have 13 so far! This is what we…

Local Eats: Jalapenos & Salads Co.

Today’s stop was Jalapenos & Salads Co, a local burrito, taco, and salad place.  This opened only a few months ago and I love it! …

News Alert!

I heard chirping in the incubator!!!   That means the babies will start hatching soon!!!  I even saw an egg roll around a little 🙂  SO…

PB Eggs, Rugby, & Philadelphia

First off, AMOHAME2 from SparkPeople was surprised to see peanut butter cups (in the form of Easter eggs) were back in the house. I just…

DVD Review: P90X Yoga X

Ok, so I’ve had my sister’s P90X DVDs for forever (Michele, any time you want them back, you just let me know!).  I’ve tried doing…

May Progress

Its been about a week and a half since I posted about my 28 Day Challenge that I was starting with some online friends.  I…