Veggie Overload

Rob has really latched on to this Paleo thing.  Now, I told him I won’t give up my oatmeal and I have to use up…

Running & Insanity

I just don’t know what to write today!  This is round 3.  Let me be concise and categorize! RunningYesterday, it was beautiful!  I woke up…

Change of Plans

Today is not going as planned.  I sould be heavy into the homework already but noooo, running lately already and then, oh!  My brand new…

Ambitious Run

So, I still don’t have internet at my apartment which is why you don’t see my blogs popping up first thing in the morning like…

Stepping Back

For a number of reasons to follow, I’ve decided that I am going to do the half marathon in March instead of the full marathon. …


I have been slacking like crazy but slowly, my motivation has been coming back.  I have been getting more consistent about eating healthy and getting…

Shrimp and Mushroom (Not)Risotto

I figured since I showed you all the wonderful veggies I bought at my favorite produce outlet, I should show you how I’m using them. …

A Lesson in HIIT

HIIT (acronym), High Intensity Interval Training: an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery…