Weekend Plans

Change of plans!  I was going to go home this weekend but decided it would just be better if I stayed at school to study…


Good news!  I am almost done with this semester!  My two take home exams are handed in, I have homework and a short paper due…

2 Mile Limit

I always forget.  2 miles is my limit.  I have to make it past 2 miles in a run before deciding what to do from…

Cold Weather Running Needs

It’s that time of the year!  On Monday, it was like 68 degrees outside.  Today, it is 30.  I’ve already done a blog on Night…

Tummy Troubles

“Eat Food.  Mostly Plants.  Not Too Much.” Michael Pollan How did I stray from my usual motto for eating?  Yesterday, I was all stressed about…

Turkey Day Turkey Trot

Happy Thanksgiving!!  This morning didn’t start off so well.  Rob and I had a 5K at 8:30 amd I rolled over to see my clock…

Philly Marathon Expo

Friday night, Rob and I headed over to the Philadelphia Marathon Expo just for fun!  No, I wasn’t running anything this weekend (although I might…

Stuff for Motivation

Life Hey everyone!  I had started a blog yesterday but didn’t have time to finish it.  I found mistakes so I have to work on…