August Goals: Bring It!

In July, I had decided that I was giving up all those complicated weight loss techniques which included making specific monthly goals to track.  I still need something to strive for though to keep me focused, and working on my long term yearly goals is just the thing.  There are only 5 months left in the year (OMG, right??) so I better get cracking.  Like I mentioned yesterday, the running is already covered.  But how to work on my strength and fat loss?  One Answer.


Yep, I’m on the BeachBody wagon again and this time, its all about getting ripped!  Starting Monday, I will be doing a modified P90X program with my marathon training incorporated.  For my schedule, I have removed the Plyometrics and Kennpo since I’ll be getting enough cardio with my running.  I also switched Wednesday and Friday so that my legs day isn’t right before my long run!  Check out my Google Calendar, it is packed!!


It works out perfectly also in that my recovery week in September falls on the same week as my 20 mile run.  So this month, I will be sore, I will be tired, I will not give up!  I have to remember my review of Month 1 of Insanity and just get through week 1.  Rob is also doing this with me which keeps me on track too!  I am so excited!!

PaleoPlateAs for nutrition and all that stuff, my goal is to be even more Paleo this month.  The “bad” foods are affecting me even more now, causing me to have what I consider completely useless days.  It is not something I want to continue so I have to practice being even more Paleo.  Eating Paleo has become pretty natural for me already, but its those times when I’m not ready, I haven’t planned, or I’m just too tired to cook.  I need to work on those moments and be better prepared.

So that is the plan for the month of August!  And I am so ready.  I am tired of my own slacking and procrastination.  I need to really kick my own butt!  What better way to start the month than with a 10 mile race?  Last night, Rob and I registered for the 42nd Annual Captain Bill Gallagher 10 Mile Island Run which is this Saturday! 

SeaIsleOut of the 10 miles, about 7.5 are on the beach itself!  It will be a tough run for me and I’m just going to use it as a marathon training run so don’t expect any great times out of this lady.  I just want to finish!  A couple we know from rugby is running it also which is why we signed up.  It will be a fun night!  Oh yeah, it starts at 5:30 PM.  Crazy right???  I guess we can’t be leaping over the beach goers in the AM and we have to wait for low tide.  It will be lots of fun!!

What are your plans/goals for August?

6 thoughts on “August Goals: Bring It!

  1. YEAH!!! That is one BRUTAL schedule!

    I hear you on the Paleo. I’ve started it slow… cut out all dairy, and 90% of grains. I usually end up falling back to bread when I’m too lazy to cook, and am hungry. The last of couple of days, I’ve had more sugar that I like… and between the two, my tummy sure isn’t happy with me!

    I did talk to Hubby about Paleo. I’m thinking that when the kids come home, all the grains and sugar will be removed from the house. The whole family will go paleo, and the kids will go on a sugar detox, (as will I)… and we will all be ready to deal with the irritability that goes along with the first few weeks of no sugar. That won’t be fun… but it should pay off in the long run! I just need to talk to the kids about the science and the reasons for it.

    Enjoy your running!!!!

    1. Oh boy what a shocker the kids are in for! But it will be good for everyone in the long run! My biggest problems are when I’m out of the house. I’ve finally gotten to the point where there is almost nothing left in my cabinets at home!

    2. Lara – not sure how old your kids are, but my littler ones liked the book that Sara Fragrasso (Everyday Paleo) wrote – Paleo Pals…she has other great kid friendly info on her blog…my kids are about 90% paleo and come Sept it will have been a year since the whole house went paleo. They eat non-paleo when out with friends and we do have some splurges for vacations and special occasisions (bdays, holidays). I have 4 girls, 12, 10, 8, 7… Good luck!!!

  2. YEA FOR AUGUST! can you believe it is here already?!?! not me! Although, I’m ready for it so I can start training for this marathon…eek.
    But I know you can follow that plan and make adjustments where they are needed! You are going to be a ripped running machine! haha

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