
My running plan has pretty much looked like this from the start


Run, run, run, run.  Booooring.  I think that is why I have been struggling.  I don’t want to run every day!  I get a little pouty when hear that friends are trying fun things like CrossFit and Zumba.  I want to do those things!  But being as its my first marathon, I want to do everything right.  Sigh…

RunnersWorld201202Remember yesterday that I mentioned that I hoped that my new issue of Runner’s world would be motivating?  Well, it was!!!  I was flipping along, not too excited about many articles this month but one really struck me.  It was about CrossFit.  It went on to say that this guy started out as a power lifter and is now an ultramarathoner and he trains mostly doing strength workouts like CrossFit, HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training), and what he calls Endurance Runs.  I was immediately hooked!  He doesn’t do any runs longer than 90 minutes for his marathon training!

Now, let me just say right now, I will still be doing my long practice runs because I have never run a marathon before.  But at least I don’t feel like I have to run run run run all the time.  I can do other things!  So I’ve compiled a new workout structure to go along with this plan.  Maybe it will spice things up enough to keep me motivated all the way to race day!


Really, this doesn’t deviate that far from the original plan.  Wednesday or Thursday could be an extra rest day.  Instead of short runs (3 miles), I will do HIIT workouts will still amount to at least 2-3 miles of running.  Instead of medium runs, I will do “endurance runs” which according to the article’s examples can range from 4-9 miles.  It adds in a whole lot of extra strength training which I LOVE so that is all good.  And of course, I still have my long runs on Saturday, and Sunday will be a fun day for me to do whatever I want like Zumba or spin or whatever!

I already feel the bored feeling leaving!  Yay!  Haha, really it is the same if I just look at my runs differently but seeing “3 miles”, “8 miles”, “5 miles” on my calendar gets really old really fast.   Doing a HIIT or Endurance workout takes more thought than “am I done yet?”  I am so excited now!

Health & Fitness Update

This week, I’ve tracked religiously and have come out maintaining or slightly gaining (depending on which website I use).  According to my FitBit, I would have gained 0.01 lbs so that is basically maintaining to me.  I need to really rein in my eating or keep it the same and workout more!

Yesterday, I rocked my workout though.  I decided to spice things up and did 3 workouts!


I started off with the personal training DVD, only doing the upper body to save my legs for a run today.  I LOVE this new DVD.  I haven’t done a formal review yet but I will this weekend.  I will tell you about the technique she uses and how it kicks your butt!  Next, I did part of her “on the floor” ab routine.  I got frustrated with it but still did 10 minutes worth!  Pretty good.  Then I did 20 minutes of Zumba and had a blast really burning calories.  Overall, I burned 405 calories (from my Garmin with Heart Rate monitor).  Awesome!

Today’s workout is uncertain.  Rob took off from work so we could go down to school today so I may wait until tomorrow to do my long run and just do laps around the collage that is near my apartment.  Better than nothing?  Wasn’t I just getting excited to get rid of the monotony of running in circles??

3 thoughts on “Eureka!

  1. You are too funny! As a matter of fact, I was going to suggest that you look back at an oldie but goodie from your reading list…Born to Run… don’t you remember the “training” of the tribe – the BEST runners don’t run all the time. They sprint, lift rocks, drag wood, etc (READ: CrossFit)…My treating practitioner just reminded me last week – runners are one of the only athlete groups who tend to train the same as they compete. By running. Most other sports “practice” and do drills, strength training and then play a game…much different from practice… hmmm…

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