Back in Action

First, if you missed it, I blogged yesterday about my weekend and how sick I’ve been the last few days. I woke up this morning…

Sick But Stress Free

Friday was a pretty busy day.  I had work to do plus other errands and such all day.  That night, I had friends over for…

Weekly Eats

Good morning!  Nothing too exciting going on this morning.  I made pancakes for breakfast based on a Paleo recipe.  I haven’t quite perfected the single…

Where Is My Energy?

I am not feeling my blog today!  This is copy like #4.  Ha!  Let’s just recap then… Workout I ran yesterday!  I really wanted to…

Why a Marathon

I have heard a lot of people lately say to me that they would never consider a marathon.  I’m here to say I used to…

Philly Rock and Roll Half Marathon 2012

Yet another long weekend!  I almost completely forgot I was running a half marathon this weekend!  With how busy everything has been, it just wasn’t…

Like Night and Day

Tuesday, I woke up, got right out of bed, threw on my running clothes and headed out. It was such a great run!  I did…

Kayaking & Going Primal

Wow what a weekend!  I did a whole lot of nothing it seems.  Friday and Saturday were spent running about doing errands with Rob, but…