How to Cook Part 1: Shrimp and Veggies (Video)

Cooking blog on how to make a quick easy dinner with things I had on hand. It is a total of 12 minutes and in…

Not “Very Sexy”

This morning, I opened up my email and to the right hand side was an advertisement with this picture.  You can all guess what company…

Drink Up!

This weekend was pretty crazy hectic.  I was busy the whole time!  And have no pictures to show for it.  In my defense, they are…

Change of Plans

Today is not going as planned.  I sould be heavy into the homework already but noooo, running lately already and then, oh!  My brand new…

Tips on Meal Planning

This week, I made an effort to plan out my meals and it worked really well.  I used to do this in the past and…

DVD Review: BH’s Inside Out Method Pure Strength

Yesterday, I wanted a quick strength training workout, 25 minutes or less.  After checking my workout DVD and video game library, I settled on Bob…

Grad School in High Gear

I’ve got nothing going on today!  Nothing interesting to discuss really.  Its just been a regular couple of days.  Yesterday, it was back to school…


I have been slacking like crazy but slowly, my motivation has been coming back.  I have been getting more consistent about eating healthy and getting…