Stressing Over Health

Yesterday, I ate about 3493 calories.  That is ridiculous.  This is the exact reason why I decided to start tracking my food again even though…

Brides, Birthdays, and Beasts

Phew what a weekend!!  Friday was pretty low key.  I just went to get my hair trimmed and spent the day doing school work while…

Weekly Plan 2/11/13

Just a quick blog today. I haven’t had much time for blogging lately but I would rather write something short and sweet than not write…

Busy Student Bee

Good afternoon!  It’s a been a few days since I’ve blogged.  I know I’ve been slacking lately.  I am usually good at blogging every weekday…

Motley Fitness Spotlight & Flash Mob

A couple of weekends ago, I went to a Flash Mob thrown by a high school classmate of mine.  I was so excited for and…

Body Beast: Build Week 1

I officially completed 1 week of Body Beast!  So let’s talk bout week 1 of “Build”: The Equipment Lots of free weights A weight bench…

Body Beast, Here I Come!

I want to let you guys in on a little secret.  If you have been paying attention to my Twitter or Facebook, you might know…

How to be Successful at Fitness

Hello there everyone!  Sorry for my mini blogging hiatus but I just wasn’t feeling inspired to chat.  It is no excuse but the blogs would…