Book Review: Eat The Yolks

It isn’t really a secret around here that I am a big fan of the Paleo Diet.  When this book came out, I wanted a…

Wunderlist for the Win

This week, I am trying to get into a good daily routine.  After being sick, my days just kind of fell apart.  Sure, it’s great…

Lazy Days

Happy Monday!  This weekend was the first real weekend that I think Rob and I had basically nothing to do.  And it was glorious!  Friday,…

Gloucester Outlet Shopping

The bright side of being at home all the time (and no working) is that I have lots of free time to spend with friends…

What I Ate Wednesday

Since I’m struggling to come up with blog topics lately, I thought I would use the typical Blogger trick of using repeating posts!  Some ideas:…

Hello, December

Things were off to a good start last month and then it happened.  The dreaded cold season hit me hard.  I was down and out…

Getting Back in the Workout Habit

Lots has been going on but how about just a workout update? Last Friday, I kicked my own butt with 30 minutes of Les Mills…

Back in New Jersey

Hello!  It’s been a while! Well, the good news is that is going to change for a while.  You see, I was running myself ragged…