A Simple Plan

I learned some things while I was in Ireland last weekend… I hate tracking my food. Walking is amazing. I enjoy eating certain natural but…

Midterm Time

It is midterms week so sorry for my absence but its going to be a crazy week!  I stayed in Dover this weekend and already…

DVD Review: BH’s Inside Out Method Pure Strength

Yesterday, I wanted a quick strength training workout, 25 minutes or less.  After checking my workout DVD and video game library, I settled on Bob…

Lazy Week

Lazy Lazy Lazy.  That’s me.  I don’t know what was with me this last week but I didn’t want to do a thing and I…

Stepping Back

For a number of reasons to follow, I’ve decided that I am going to do the half marathon in March instead of the full marathon. …


I have been slacking like crazy but slowly, my motivation has been coming back.  I have been getting more consistent about eating healthy and getting…

A Lesson in HIIT

HIIT (acronym), High Intensity Interval Training: an enhanced form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery…


My running plan has pretty much looked like this from the start Run, run, run, run.  Booooring.  I think that is why I have been…